E-Commerce WordPress Website

A Sociable Style and Brand

The client wanted to upgrade his brand from a simple direct.me website to a mature and responsive theme that reflects his values and objectives. After several interviews, we worked together to create a conscious brand or “flavor,” created prototypes, and developed a unique brand guide.

Ease of Connection with His Community

“I want my community to be able to reach me in as few clicks as possible.” As a community leader, we readily understood his need to be readily armed to serve his community. Our solution was to integrate Jotforms onto his site and guide him with further integrations to automate processes.

E-Commerce Ready

After providing us a list of products and digital assets that he offers his community, we created a store to house them, and instructed him on how to set up his store to automatically fulfill digital orders.

Project Date

Start Date: 2023-06-07

End Date: 2023-07-07